1. Mrs K Jefferson

    Mrs K Jefferson

    1. Master
  2. Mr M J Woodside

    Mr M J Woodside

    1. Deputy Master, DSL
  3. Mr B Dunhill

    Mr B Dunhill

    1. Head of Expansion
  4. Mrs E R Kullmann

    Mrs E R Kullmann

    1. Assistant Master (Pastoral)
  5. Mr M Kerr

    Mr M Kerr

    1. Assistant Master (Extra-Curricular)
      Geography, Games
  6. Dr T-S Li

    Dr T-S Li

    1. Assistant Master (Teaching and Learning)
  7. Miss H Wellman

    Miss H Wellman

    1. Assistant Master, Head of Juniors
      Head of PSHE
  8. Mr G Floyd

    Mr G Floyd

    1. Assistant Master (Academic)
      Theology, Philosophy & Religion, PSHE, Games
  1. Mrs L Adams

    1. School Counsellor
  2. Mrs E-L Allison

    1. English Support
  3. Mr I Baillie

    1. Computing, ICT Consultant
  4. Dr E Banfield

    1. Classics
  5. Ms E Beauclerk

    1. Year 4 Class Teacher
  6. Mrs E M Bell

    1. Assistant Director of Music
  7. Mr A J P Busk

    1. Master of Lions
      Art, Games
  8. Mr O T Campbell Smith

    1. Head of Year 8
      Head of Geography
  9. Miss E Casserly

    1. Science, Maths, Games
  10. Mrs L Chacksfield

    1. Head of English
  11. Mr T D Chapman

    1. Music
  12. Ms A Cherirou

    1. Learning Support Assistant
  13. Ms E Corcoran

    1. English, History
  14. Mr P M Daly

    1. Head of Classics
  15. Mr A J Downey

    1. Classics, Games
  16. Mr T Dumas

    1. Master of Fleuries
      Assistant Director of Sport
  17. Mr B Dunhill

    1. Head of Expansion
  18. Mrs J V Fella

    1. Librarian
  19. Mr G Floyd

    1. Assistant Master (Academic)
      Theology, Philosophy & Religion, PSHE, Games
  20. Mr G Gougay

    1. Master of Tudors
      French, Games
  21. Ms A Hartley

    1. Art
  22. Ms A Hauke-Smith

    1. Science Technician
  23. Dr G K Horridge

    1. Head of History
  24. Mr P Isaac

    1. Science, Games
  25. Miss I Ivancic

    1. Admin Assistant to the Director of Expansion
  26. Mrs K Jefferson

    1. Master
  27. Ms D L F Jones

    1. Head of Learning Development
      Platform, English
  28. Mr G Keller

    1. IT Technician
  29. Mr M Kerr

    1. Assistant Master (Extra-Curricular)
      Geography, Games
  30. Mrs E R Kullmann

    1. Assistant Master (Pastoral)
  31. Ms M Langford

    1. Acting Head of Juniors
      Year 4 Class Teacher
  32. Mr P Lawson

    1. Head of Year 5
      Head of Theology, Philosophy & Religion, Games
  33. Mrs A Lee

    1. Registrar
  34. Dr T-S Li

    1. Assistant Master (Teaching and Learning)
  35. Mrs H L Lindley

    1. Lead Practitioner
      Head of Science
  36. Ms K Makulska

    1. Graduate Music Assistant
  37. Mr E J Matthews

    1. Master of Martlets
      Head of Mathematics, Games
  38. Miss I McGuire

    1. Gap Student
  39. Ms E Monville

    1. French
  40. Miss B Nishat

    1. Matron
  41. Ms J O’Sullivan

    1. Assistant Registrar
  42. Ms A Oakley-Smith

    1. Bursar and Chief Operating Officer
  43. Mr M Patel

    1. Administrative Assistant
  44. Mr M Oakes

    1. Classroom Assistant, Junior Department
  45. Miss N Odedra

    1. Science, Games
  46. Ms A Oozeer

    1. Head of Art and Design
  47. Mr D Orbista

    1. Maintenance Assistant
  48. Mrs S Pearce

    1. Master's PA
  49. Mr J Peters

    1. Maintenance Assistant
  50. Mrs M Raikes

    1. Year 3 Class Teacher
  51. Mr R Sheppard

    1. Gap Student
  52. Mrs G Sheppard

    1. Receptionist
  53. Mr S Singh

    1. Head of Year 7
      Head of Computing
  54. Ms R Smith

    1. Head of Year 6, Acting Head of PSHE
      English, History, Games
  55. Mrs S Soluade

    1. Communications Officer
  56. Mr N Starbrook

    1. Director of Sport
  57. Mr T Sverrisson

    1. Head of Enterprise
  58. Ms H Tefera

    1. IT Technician
  59. Mrs C Tempestilli-Sarti

    1. EAL Co-ordinator
  60. Mr S Thébaud

    1. Head of French, Games
  61. Mrs R Thorn

    1. Head of Academic Transfer
      Director of Music
  62. Miss L Tricker

    1. Director of Drama, PSHE
  63. Mrs M Waggett

    1. Financial Secretary
  64. Miss H Wellman

    1. Assistant Master, Head of Juniors
      Head of PSHE
  65. Mr M J Woodside

    1. Deputy Master, DSL
  66. Mrs R Wrigley

    1. Mathematics

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