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Inspire Inclusion – A Week of Celebrating International Women’s Day
March 8, 2024

We had an incredible week celebrating the theme of ‘Inspire Inclusion’ for International Women’s Day. Boys enjoyed a various number of activities, completing the ‘Trailblazing Women’ quiz and engaging in Form time discussions on gender equality. From dressing up and celebrating female authors to exploring female characters during World Book Day, our focus remained on the crucial theme of inclusion.

While International Women’s Day officially falls on the Friday 8th March, our celebration extended throughout the week.  An important part of our school community is ensuring we all actively participate in initiatives that foster equality, respect, and understanding, within our school and we emphasise the promotion of gender equality being a collective responsibility.

The week offered a chance to highlight and recognise women’s contributions to society, history, and our school community. By encouraging empathy, promoting diversity, and challenging stereotypes, we aim to shape our boys into individuals who appreciate and respect the perspectives of all people.

We always encourage discussions and reflections on equality and inclusion to inspire our pupils to become advocates for gender equality and inclusion, both within our school and the broader world so International Women’s Day was another opportunity to highlight the significance of this and open further discussions both at school and at home, extending the impact beyond our school walls.

Lessons incorporated discussions, activities, and reflections on the significance of IWD, focusing on celebrating the contributions of women in specific subject areas. The schedule for the week featured fun and thought-provoking activities such as the Trailblazer Trail, the IWD Book Shelf in the library, World Book Day, Form Time discussions, PSHE lessons focusing on gender equality and pupil led talks spotlighting the women who inspire them.

The Trailblazer Trail, featuring posters of pioneering women, offered pupils a chance to win prizes by completing quiz sheets. The IWD Book Shelf in the library showcased reads by female authors, books with female protagonists, and autobiographies.

Form Time included videos, news articles, and conversation starters focused on celebrating women’s achievements and raising awareness about discrimination.

PSHE lessons concentrated on gender equality and the collective actions we can take to move towards a more inclusive world.

As the week-long celebration of International Women’s Day comes to a close, we carry forward the lessons learned and continue our dedication to fostering a culture of equality and inclusion within our school community.


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