During the inspection, the ISI team took a detailed look at our day-to-day operations, hearing from pupils, governors, management, teachers, and administrative and support staff, touring the site, assessing lessons, surveying pupils, parents and staff, scrutinising and discussing samples of pupils’ work, and examining school records. The results of their work can be read in the full report, but below are particular highlights:
On co-curricular and Extras: “The quality and range of the school’s wider curriculum provision is notably strong. Pupils’ skills, understanding and enthusiasm are deepened through a diverse range of ‘extras’ such as breakdancing, bridge, chess, parkour and robotics clubs. There is a high level of inclusion and participation in activities beyond the classroom.”
On contribution to society: “The school’s aim ‘to serve others’ is promoted effectively. Pupils embrace opportunities to take on positions of responsibility which are seen as meaningful and rewarding. Pupils regularly participate in projects to help the local community which helps them both give service to others and gain valuable insights into other people’s lives.”
On behaviour: “Pupils behave well in their classrooms, at breaktimes and between lessons. They are motivated by the way the school rewards positive behaviour and view the application of the sanctions policy as fair. Pupils learn to recognise bullying behaviour and to understand that it can occur both in-person and online.”
On leadership and governance: “Leaders and governors know the school well. They routinely evaluate its strengths and identify areas that could be developed further. Leaders gain awareness of pupils’ school experience through regularly observing lessons, looking at pupils’ work and having discussions with pupils in forums such as school council and prefects’ meetings. Leaders address pupils’ ideas and concerns promptly and effectively.”
On SEND: “Pupils who have SEND are carefully assessed, using external expertise when required. The measures that are put in place to support their needs enable them to make good progress.”