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The Westminster Under School Enrichment Fund

Westminster Under School is an ambitious, nurturing and inspiring place where pupils greatly enjoy the activities of learning and are given the support and guidance they need to develop as intelligent, compassionate and inquisitive individuals.

By supporting the Westminster Under School Enrichment Fund, your gift can allow us to further augment opportunities for our pupils through the engagement of exciting speakers at School, expanding musical instrument provision, or taking up one-of-a-kind opportunities for additional enrichment. We are extremely grateful for the collective support of the Westminster community in this way, thank you!

You can find out more about our various partnerships on our website.

Tax efficient giving in the UK

As a registered charity, all donations made to Westminster School by UK tax payers can be made tax efficiently, significantly increasing the value of your gift through Gift Aid at no extra cost to you.

Higher rate tax relief

If you are a higher-rate tax payer, you can claim tax relief on all your charitable donations, including donating your acceptance fee. By including information about your donations in your self-assessment tax return, this significantly reduces the cost of your donations.

Overseas giving

Westminster is registered with a number of foundations with tax-exempt status. This means that families living in the US and Hong Kong are able to benefit from tax deductions on their charitable donations. We would be happy to provide additional information.

Find out when your child is able to join the School using the personalised age checker and timeline.

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Westminster School gratefully welcomes donations to support fundraising efforts across the School community.

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